A Stocking For RoRo

RoRo is my son's little bestie. She's a pink jellycat rattle bunny I actually found at a charity shop. I bought her for £1 and intended to keep her for my little girl. I was pregnant with Daisy at this time. Edward wanted to hold her so I said that was fine but he would have to give her back for baby. On our way home he was sat in the back of the car doing "row row row your boat", hence the name RoRo. Pretty much from that point Edward and RoRo were inseparable.
This Christmas as Edward is now three, he's now clued up about Christmas. We've put alot of emphasis on family time, but you can't get away from the presents!

So when I was explaining about his Christmas stocking, I said I could try and make RoRo one and he was very excited by the idea! I found a lovely little pattern on Pinterest and became a little obsessed with making these tiny Christmas stockings out of some yarn from my stash.

They knit up super quick and looks so adorable!


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