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too many projects...

I am so guilty of rushing to start a new project. That excitement for a new project, combing through my stash and casting a something new on gives me a little excited buzz. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Problem is, I do this more when my brain is a little messy... which it very much is at the moment. I just have a lot of thoughts running through my brain at the moment along with a little stress at work. And one of the ways I cope with a messy muddled brain is to just cast a new project on and obsess over that until I slow down with it and then do it all over again. Problem is I end up with so many unfinished projects and sometimes even more of a muddle, because I can't pick one to finish! Anyway I'm actually very close to finishing a project that I've had on my needles for a year now! Which is going to be a whole lot of excitement and buzz in itself! 

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